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What is St. Michael Center?

St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal is a non-profit Catholic organization that prays with people who are spiritually suffering and in need of healing and deliverance.  St. Michael Center conducts spiritual education workshops and trains clergy, religious and laity. The Center is committed especially to helping and supporting clergy in living healthy and holy lives. All of this is done under the mantle of the Blessed Virgin and with the protection of St. Michael and his angels.


Support from Church Leadership




A letter from Cardinal Wilton Gregory

Canonical Endorsement for our Online Deliverance Ministry


The Saint Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal carries out its ministries with the approval of the Archbishop of Washington. The deliverance prayers used, including both imprecatory and deprecatory prayers, and shared among those who make use of its services do not involve the administration of the sacraments nor do they include constitutive blessings. They are invocations of the grace of the Holy Spirit to deliver individuals, families, and communities from the influence and power of evil, and therefore they may be used by individuals or shared and prayed collectively using the means of electronic communication. This statement is not an endorsement of any particular prayers that may be shared by the Center.


Very Rev. George E. Stuart, J.C.D.

Episcopal Vicar for Canonical Services

Archdiocese of Washington


Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti

Seated at the desk where St. Gemma Galgani sat in Lucca, Italy is Msgr Stephen J. Rossetti PhD DMin.
He is currently an exorcist for the Archdiocese of Washington and has been so for over 15 years.  He is a priest of the Diocese of Syracuse and is also the President and Founder of the St. Michael Center For Spiritual Renewal.

He is a licensed psychologist and has spent 30 years working in psychological treatment and the spiritual
renewal of priests and religious.  He assists in the training of exorcists and lay team members.  Msgr. Rossetti has led hundreds of exorcism and deliverance sessions.


Gina Witt


Gina Witt serves at the St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal as its Administrator.  She is also a spiritual director and a lay ministry team leader for the deliverance and exorcism ministry. She was among the first group of women trained through the Women Speak for Themselves (WSFT) Spokeswoman Training with Helen Alvare. This national grassroots movement was founded to empower women to better speak in the media, local communities, and online about topics such as the dignity of life and religious freedom. She is a graduate of the spiritual direction program at the Avila Institute in partnership with the Heart of Christ Spiritual Direction Program. Gina serves souls as they seek to better know, love & serve the Lord. She has dedicated her life to the Pope’s call to the New Evangelization, sharing her faith journey with others to spread the Good News of God’s love, mercy, and healing.

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Rev. Msgr. Charles E. Pope


Msgr. Charles Pope attended George Mason University for Undergraduate Studies were he attained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science in 1984.  He worked briefly with the Army Corp of Engineers as a Computer Systems Analyst.  Fr. Pope’s interest in the priesthood stems from his experience as a church musician. He entered Mt. Saint Mary’s Seminary in 1985 where he earned a Master of Divinity Degree as well as a Master of Arts Degree in Moral Theology.  


Fr. Pope was ordained to the priesthood on June 24, 1989 by James Cardinal Hickey.  His first assignment was at Mt. Calvary Parish in Forestville, MD as Associate Pastor from 1989-1993.  From 1993-1999 Fr. Pope served as Associate Pastor of Holy Comforter St. Cyprian Parish in Southeast Washington, D.C.  From 1999-2000 he was Associate Pastor at St. Mary’s Parish in Laurel, MD.  In April of 2000 Fr. Pope was appointed Pastor of St. Thomas More Parish in Southeast Washington, D.C. In 2007 Msgr. Pope returned to Holy Comforter – St. Cyprian Parish where he currently serves as Pastor.  From 1997-1999 Fr. Pope Conducted a Weekly Bible Study in the U.S. Congress. He also conducted a weekly Bible Study at the White House from 2004-2008. Other ongoing assignments for Fr. Pope include, being Archdiocesan Coordinator for the Celebration of the Latin Mass, and Coordinator of Deliverance Ministry. 


Fr. Pope has been a member of the Priest Council and an Archdiocesan Consultor as well as a member of the Priest Personnel Board. He was named a Monsignor in 2005. He has writes the weekly Question and Answer Column for Our Sunday Visitor, paper. He writes regularly for the National Catholic Register, has published two books: The Ten Commandments and Catholic and Curious: 500 Questions and Answers on the Catholic Faith. In 2011 he was named assistant exorcist for the Archdiocese of Washington and has continued to assist in deliverance ministry since that time. In this regard he has also published columns and taught seminars on demonology and angelology in both parish settings and for the Institute of Catholic Culture. He blogs daily for the Archdiocese, and is a regular host on EWTN Radio’s “Morning Glory” show. He has conducted numerous Priest retreats; parish missions and teaches at the Institute for Catholic Culture.  Msgr. Pope is also Dean of the Northeast Deanery.  Msgr. Pope immensely enjoys his work as a diocesan priest and a parish pastor.

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