February 19th Online Deliverance Prayer Session
Mon, Feb 19
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Time & Location
Feb 19, 2024, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM EST
About the event
We look forward to you joining our next St. Michael Center deliverance prayer webinar because God has been so generous to us in our previous sessions. After each online deliverance session, scores of participants have shared their personal experiences—below is a sample of their recent testimonies. Once again, we witness how good God is to us all and how He wants to heal us. All glory to God!
Summary of Jan 8, 2024 feedback
+I feel very "clean" and light after the session.
+Before the session I felt very irritated. In my home my wife and kids seemed very irritated as well. As the closing prayer began a general sense of peace came over everyone.
+I was reminded of many inner wounds. The final prayer I Am Loved - was especially powerful. It brought me to tears of joy! Thank you for this prayer session. I believe I am healed and washed clean in a way I have never experienced.
+Msgr Rossetti must've upgraded with the New Year/liturgical season.
The Holy Spirit knocked me out and I was laid out on my couch 1/2way through the deliverance prayers. God Bless you & thank you for continuing to pour out His mercy & love.
+I had a burning sensation in my chest. It was a much-needed release as I have had much anxiety and panic… After last night, a rather knowing told me I had an attachment and was released. In short, that burning sensation was me being freed. I feel so much happier today! I feel like myself again! What a turn around!
+As always, it was exceptionally beneficial (your prayers -- even through the Internet -- are particularly powerful), and the Rosary recitation was a very nice addition, as were your prayers for peace, which is so desperately needed at this time.
+Thank you. Today it entered my mind that I had been healed from a spirit of negativity. (Yes I have been that person). I feel lighter, and hopeful. I will continue to pray the Lord to help me from this destructive attitude and thought. I will also be confessing it as a sin as I have not realized it as such in the past. God bless you all!
+I loved all of it. When I woke up this morning I felt better than I ever remember feeling. I attribute that to the prayer session last night. I am so grateful and feel like a new person, so much lighter and healthier. Thank you so much for this gift and thanks be to God.
+I have attended 3 of these sessions. I have noticed that after the third one, I have been much more at peace. I was constantly harassed by voices telling me I wasn't good enough, and blaming God for everything that has gone wrong. These voices have quieted down and when they do occur, I catch them quickly and turn to Jesus and say “I am a child of God. Jesus I trust in you.” When I do this, they go away. For many years I thought something was wrong with me. Now I realize that I was being harassed by the devil for a very long time and rarely use my anti-anxiety meds. I look forward to these sessions every month. Praise be to God and may God bless all of you!
+When the priest talking in Latin I was saying Hail Mary over and over, and then I felt really peaceful, loved with strength! Warm, and felt the Holy Spirit.
+My husband and I felt a lot of peace.
+I clearly felt something left my body and I felt somehow lighter immediately after. I have been having pains in my body for a couple of days and I prayed for them to stop. Next morning when I woke up I felt very much better and pain-free. Praise be to God!
+Healing from self hatred and hearing I am a beloved child of the Father
+I have been in a dark place for some time however, approximately four weeks ago, I was forwarded one of Monsignor Rossetti‘s videos, and I have been watching them daily. I attended yesterday‘s deliverance I feel more at peace and more connected with my faith in addition, I am less fearful of the evil because I have the resources and Jesus Christ with me always. I woke up, feeling optimistic and I haven’t felt that way in some time I look forward to attending next month. Thank you.
+I was feeling extremely sad yesterday, as my daughter had left to live. After the Deliverance Session, I felt at peace and happy.
+I've attended a few sessions and since then generally my life is better, I have more peace and a lot less anxiety. I was shown an image of my childhood abuse from a parent. I felt a healing and I forgave them and felt at peace. Thank you for the sessions, I love them.
+I have been praying to God for over a year to release me from impulsive tendencies to buy things, particularly what I do not need. Last night after the session I felt a “load” lift off of me, relaxed and fell straight away to sleep restfully which is unusual... But the most extraordinary event was the dream I was having prior to waking up early the next (this) morning. I kept wandering through an expansive mansion filled with beautiful furnishings and objects d’art. I somehow sensed I was preparing to ready the home for Christmas and kept going from room to room looking exactly for what I did not know. I just knew that in each beautiful and gracious room I could not find what I was looking for amongst the unique and precious items in each room. As I climbed stairs ever higher I finally realized I was searching for the Blessed Mother for the Nativity. I searched nearly in vain. Yet during it all I was not anxious or frantic but certain I would find her and finally as the house filled with people in a room I had searched before, I uncovered her precious face and knew all would be well. I woke up at that precise moment and prayed about what this dream meant and was given my answer in the afternoon. It was difficult to find the preciousness and loving kindness of God when obscured by such material distractions. And this realization made me recognize my impulsive materialism is the barrier to my Union with the Trinity and Our Blessed Mother. May this oppression stay lifted I pray as I imitate Our Blessed Mother in humility. Thank you to all of you for your ministry I watch monthly. This was the greatest healing yet I have experienced. God bless you all.
+I have been feeling completely stressed, moody and irritable due to the crosses I've been carrying, but when I was saying the prayers out loud I felt my body temperature rising. I felt really warm and by the time the session had ended my mood had improved and I felt peace and calm.
+I am so grateful for the opportunity to be part of your prayer session. My wife and I both sat in our living room with our rosaries. My wife, who has been battling issues that seem like vexations or possibly obsessions, wept almost uncontrollably during the first part and spoke of a “heaviness or burden of despair” that greatly lessened by the end of the session. I admit I was a little tearful for her myself. I am so glad she was able to feel a little better after. We have already signed up for the Feb session and will continue to watch the replay until then! I can’t say enough how grateful I am...
+The Rosary before was beautiful and i will attend when possible…
+I felt completely washed clean and filled with the Holy Spirit. I felt the divine love of the Lord. I slept well and was free of the evil spirits. I am so grateful for this ministry.
+This deliverance session brought me an Epiphany of God’s Grace and Love with thanksgiving and tears of joy. Praise God and thank you for your ministry.
+For the past week I was experiencing extreme desolation, which left me after the session. Thank you SO much.
+I felt surrounded by so much pure Love and Protection during the Session.
+I, out of ignorance of the occult, fell for meditation practices. As a result I let something in. Before I know it my head is moving around by itself. I am working with the church now. Had this experience not happened I would never have known I was going down a wrong path. This experience shot me straight to the Catholic church validating its undeniable truth…I do feel these session are helping me enormously because I feel a lightness of heart. I almost paid someone 300 dollars for help before turning to the church. I was told NOT to pay anyone by a priest and you have been helping me ever since. I ask that you continue this work because there are countless people who are finding themselves in my situation and we NEED You! A lot of the new age material is drawing people in even Christians. Again it's all beautifully disguised as light and accepted by Jesus. People without any understanding fall right into the trap like myself. All my love to all of you and please please please don't stop the work you are doing.
+When you prayed for demons of lethargy to be gone I felt the fatigue I was experiencing lift! I felt energized! Thank you so much!
+When I am receiving this deliverance session, I feel part of an extraordinary Church that can reach thousands of people with God’s healing power... I am so grateful.
+I was praying for my husband's deep cough. He sat in on the Deliverance session. The session had barely started and he started coughing and could not seem to stop, so I went and got him some water and cough drops. I am declaring that the deep cough is gone and the Lord was kicking out the last of the demons! Thanks so much for these sessions. I will continue to attend every one that I can!
+A particular fault (sin) was revealed to me. One I didn’t realize. I always cry during the sessions.
+I wept every time you prayed for me to know that God loves me.
+When the session began last night I had a wave of nausea come over me out of the blue, very strange. By the end of the session, it was gone. Praise Jesus!
+Preceded by confession and holy communion these sessions are incredibly liberating, unlike anything else.
+I had never attended one of these Deliverance Sessions before. It was quite a moving and comforting experience. I’m grateful I was there.
+I experienced a great wave of heat coming from my body. I had to open my bedroom window to cool off! I also felt very peaceful and joyful after the prayer session and experienced a sense of closeness and love from Jesus. Thank you everyone.
+The next morning, I had no vertigo. I had bouts of continuous vertigo. The room was constantly spinning. When I listened to the recorded session, the vertigo was gone the following day… I cannot tell you how grateful I am. Thank you.
+I had the best day in a long time everything was going right effortlessly but then the next day things started to creep back in but after attending mass and studying scripture stopped it. I am focusing on the rosary and repeat the video for another layer gone of this "onion." Crying tears of pure joy ! Hallelujah
+I felt a tremendous peace come over me. My mind was clear, and I felt that a great darkness had been lifted from me. God’s love, joy and peace were evident. I knew that I was loved and that He [God] acknowledges my being alive. I have a long history of emotional abuse, neglect and abandonment, so actually feeling those things was huge for me. God bless you all for your ministry! ♥️
+I felt very peaceful and hopeful. I am definitely going to sign up for the next month. I truly appreciate it and need this. Our family has been under a lot of what may be spiritual attacks.
+I have been part of several of these deliverance sessions and feel much better after each of them..esp prayers for generational spirits.
+This was my first time joining for a session. I experienced an overwhelming sense of peace. It was beautiful. I have recommended this to all my family. Thank you.
+I can tell you that I look forward to each prayer session. I experience a peace that is very much needed... I can tell you that anxiety that I have dealt with seems to be lessening. I am very pleased about that. I even have my daughter watching the prayer sessions with me. Please do continue them.
+I have been praying the prayer for freedom of generational curses. It wasn't until the prayer for freedom from freemasonry that I felt a big breakthrough. I only then remembered that my great grandfather had been one.
+Healing came through the forgiveness prayers and praying for those I need to forgive.
+Thank you for these sessions. Always powerful and anointed. Things are lighter and more manageable afterwards. I am also using the “Pray with Me” videos. I desire more and more to be lifted from weightiness as more is being revealed! Praised [be] to God!
+God does something special for me every time I follow your sessions. I am SO grateful. Your sessions were the catalyst of my healing. God bless you all.
+I just felt a weight lifted off me, and the lethargy from the last couple of days was gone.
Thank you, and God bless you!
+I started coughing a little bit during freemasonry deliverance prayers and occult deliverance prayers.
+These sessions ALWAYS come when I need them the most. it seems more graces comes each session, and it is time for more at the right time! I am so grateful! A lifetime of hard times is slowly but surely healing!…but the Lord is always so persistent in His loving pursuit!
+EXCELLENT and Holy Rosary in the beginning assists us spiritually and is needed. Please continue the Holy Rosary!
+Deep peace during and afterwards. I look forward to next month. God be praised!
+I felt as if something was being stripped out of me. It was very cleansing and I felt a release followed by deep peace. Please keep the sessions going every month.
+This is my 3rd monthly deliverance session. I had been plagued for many years by fatigue, worry and fear. Now I feel like a burden has been lifted. I feel very light and energetic. The day after this last session, I just keep dancing with joy and I keep thinking of ways I can love and serve the Lord! This is a miracle! Thank you and God bless you!
+ I will give you one result...I slept without interruption or waking with intrusive thoughts of worthlessness … and despair for first time in 17 years.
+One thing I noticed was I felt increasingly warm during the prayers although it was late and very cold in [Europe].
+After years of enduring suffering from depression, obsessions, and anxiety, I am finally getting the deliverance and the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and peace only Jesus can give. Last night (my second session months later) was powerful and I experienced warmth and a heat in my heart; I truly felt God’s love, particularly when I said the prayers of An Act of Forgiveness, Prayers to Break Unholy Ties, and Prayers to Remove Generational Spirits; I also had goosebumps and some burps (the burps had never happened before). You are an incredible blessing to all of us and to the kingdom of God!! Thank you so much for these sessions and keep up the amazing work!!
+I was tense and tired when we began the prayer session and all of that was alleviated. I also had terrible pain in my back which was still there when I got into bed but this morning was all gone! I also felt that I could breathe much better. I've had asthma for years.
+ I didn't have a nightmare and awaken between 3 and 3:30 am; which normally happens. Next day, I didn't have the tormented thoughts.
+I wasn't sure what to expect and I also wasn't sure if this particular prayer session was for me as the session progressed. But upon conclusion I felt a certain clarity that I did not have prior to the prayer session. I also felt 'lighter' and more at ease.
+I felt surprising calm and at peace throughout the whole session. I said surprise because I have been suffering from sciatica and hip arthritis pain the last 2 years. Due to the constant pain, I've always been edgy and restless. Yesterday, however, the whole time we were praying, I was overcome with peace and calm. I know this for sure, because I haven't felt this beautiful sensation in a while now.
+I didn't realize that my left eye had a spell that was preventing me from seeing clearly. Right after one of the prayers, my vision became suddenly very clear. Also, my sleep was much more peaceful and less disturbed….
+I was filled with a sense of great love and peace from God. My friends who were visiting me also participated and were incredibly happy to have participated. It was a delight to pray along. I look forward to the next session. Thank you.
+I ENJOYED the Deliverance prayer session. I now feel energezied and motivated to pray, pray, pray. I want to commit to saying the rosary daily.
+It was a beautiful session. Afterwards I had great peace and the next morning when I woke up and then throughout the day I've had tremendous mental clarity. Thank you so very much.
+I had a lovely peaceful sleep that evening. I’ve struggled with insomnia for many years... Last night I slept wonderfully, just woke up once and felt joyful and was smiling (instead of the usual feeling of dread), then went straight back to sleep! Thanks from Australia.
+I want to give honor and glory to God for the miracle He made today. For weeks my son had been very withdrawn. He struggles with anger and can say hurtful things. Last night he was able to say he was angry with himself and didn't want to take his anger on me. Today he went to the Sacrament of confession and spent time with the Holy Sacrament. His mood changed, the sadness and anger disappeared. Praise be to God!
+I have noticed a diminished attraction to pornography over the last three deliverance sessions.
+My husband and I felt much better and that something was lifted. My son who did this in another state said he felt good too. We will not miss these sessions because it has really helped us.
+I have so much need of these sessions, after each one I just feel lighter. And I don’t know if this makes sense but I feel a deeper understanding. Sort of enlightened., I felt in the dark at first.
+I have always been timid in the presence of strong people. I would let them walk on me because I was not able to speak up. It has been this way since childhood. After 3 or 4 deliverance sessions, however, I was able to defend myself against an angry coworker. I felt liberated. I feel more connected to people now and I am no longer afraid to speak my mind. Thank you, Jesus for these deliverance sessions.
+This was my 4th session. The first two brought up anger and vomiting. The 3rd was lovely until the prayer in Latin. Wow. Growling, spitting on phone, nausea...then left! This last time I was feeling good but prayed "Lord, if there is anything hiding within that is not of you, please expel it"
I felt nothing but LOVE and peace flow through me til the end! Thank you, this last time was actually BEAUTIFUL! NO REACTION whatsoever! Praise be God.
+My family and I have been under spiritual attacks for more than 2 yrs but last year I found out about St. Michael Center. These sessions have been more than a blessing to my family and me. It has empowered us to fight back and not be afraid.
+The past two days I feel a huge lifting of guilt that has crippled me since my childhood. I am more able to trust myself and that I am not bad thru and thru, as I was told, because God's love for me now defines me. I can begin to live my life from a place of peace and forgiveness rather than anger. My husband participated also and I notice a definite change in his belief that he is worthy of God's love for him. Praise the Lord!
+This is the 6th session I have participated in and always have a deep peace. This session after the generational prayers I was sobbing. I had a paternal grandmother who my father tells me would read tarot cards.
+The Rosary before the Deliverance Session is wonderful! I was more tuned in & ready for the session afterward. My grandfather was heavily involved in Satanism (spiritual leader of a coven) & into Freemasonry. This session helped me move through many conflicting emotions (I'm also working with my priest & psychiatrist). Session was extremely helpful! God bless you!
+ The spirit of oppression and despondency was so overwhelming that I lacked motivation to do my daily tasks. I prayed for these spirits to leave me and during the service I felt so peaceful that I fell asleep. It’s two days later and I’ve gotten so many projects done in the house and have that heaviness of despair lifted from me. I’m so thankful for you guys! Truly such a blessing! God bless you!
+I was going through some kind of oppression and negativity. After the session, I feel free. A burden is lifted.
+Well, I was surprised at how much better I felt after this session, and I have been sleeping much better than I was before. Also, and this has never happened before, when you were leading the prayers for generational spirits, my IPad, for one second, went black. Didn’t work, but it came back on. Thank you, Blessed Carlo Acutis.
+I was very touched mentally and in my soul by the Act of Love to Jesus. Thank you for that powerful moment of prayer.
+ I have something important to share: My cousin has a family business —they were being plagued by inter-family fighting and control struggles. During the session we interceded for them. The next day she reported a “miraculous” breakthrough in which the difficulties were smoothed out! I invited her to participate in the February session.
+I find a cumulative positive effect on my spiritual growth month after month of these prayers. On occasion I feel deep peace during certain prayers. But, always, my faith is strengthened and my piety increases.
+Several years ago, I agreed to go along with three New Age chakra healing ceremonies. With two, I actually gave permission for a friend to pray remotely to "clear my energies". For the third, and scariest event, I permitted this person to pray over me for healing. I have never forgotten the darkness that overcame me. I felt a strong spiritual battle commence within me. During this recent prayer session, a heaviness was lifted as I listened to Msgr. Rossetti denounce and rebuke spirits of the occult and New Age. It may be interesting to note that I had confessed my participation in these practices only six months ago. Last summer, the Holy Spirit had impressed upon my heart the gravity of my actions. I repented and took my priest's advice to dispose of a handful of crystals. The unnamed fears I carried for more than a decade vanished during the deliverance prayers. Jesus, be praised!
+I feel good. Every month I feel I need this cleansing.
+The session made me Love Jesus even more!!!
+“I am Loved” prayer is very powerful for me. When praying, I started crying and experienced chills and a such a feeling of well-being. Thank you, Lord, for your love!
+This was my fourth session. This is the first time I felt sense of extreme peace /relief after a session.
+I loved the rosary together. My experience this time was just a flood of heavy tears, grieving, and I believe healing tears. I also felt safe and carried together by Jesus and filled with hope.
+Wow again thank you