Mon, Oct 16
October 16th Online Deliverance Prayer Session
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Time & Location
Oct 16, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
About the event
We look forward to you joining our next St. Michael Center deliverance prayer webinar because God has been so generous to us in our previous sessions. After each online deliverance session, scores of participants have shared their personal experiences—below is a small sample of their recent testimonies. Once again, we witness how good God is to us all and how He wants to heal us. All glory to God!
Sample of Feedback Sept 2023 Online Deliverance Session
Thank you so much. I and my husband did these prayers together. Very powerful.
I love these prayers, it's beautiful. It gives me peace in my soul.
The forgiveness prayer and prayer to eradicate generational spirits deeply touched me.
Excellent will come to the next one too!
About halfway through this session, I had cold chills running up and down my arms. Shivers off and on. Afterwards a very mellow calm feeling. Thank you.
It was so amazing! I cannot wait to do it again, thank you so much for doing this for us! Truly thank you for your time and genuine care for our souls! I love the beauty of Catholicism and you and your team embodied it!
There was an internal feeling of relief when I prayed to be able to forgive the various people who have wronged me in the past. I am still not completely over those situations, but it was an important step in the spiritual healing process. It is clear to me that forgiving others is a key to spiritual healing.
I got very sick to my stomach and very hot. It didn’t last long. I know God is working on me.
I felt lighter, peace and God's love for me and all his children.
I feel closer to Jesus and saints.
I felt a cleansing like a spiritual scrub brush inside.
I feel so much spiritual strength when I attend these sessions. A deeper understanding of Catholic faith. Thank you all your prayers. I want to cry. It has given me a closer relationship with Jesus and Blessed Mother. Thank God for your helping all of us.
I always find these sessions to be spiritually rewarding. I always feel at peace after the sessions. Thank you!
I always feel joyful after the session. I am grateful and blessed to participate in these deliverance sessions.
I participated for the very first time. In my time zone (Sydney Australia) it was Tuesday morning. When the prayer session finished I continued on with the day as usual, however I did feel lighter and more joyful throughout the day. I even did things I haven’t done in years because I [had previously] lost all joy in doing it- but today I re-engaged with my former delights. I hope I can keep it up! Looking forward to next month’s session!…. And thank you so very much... I feel as though I am drawn much closer to God!
I loved the session. I will be telling family about it.
I did a lot of yawning and some burping, which I have come to learn from experience in my prayer life as the releasing of strongholds & areas of spiritual attack. I was impressed by how Msgr was often speaking to areas I was struggling with & I hadn't even commented in chat or had specific interaction with him for him to even know. I am so thankful.
I came away with a growing sense of peace, confidence, and joy.
It's hard to explain the peace and lightness I feel immediately from these deliverance sessions. Thank you and God bless you always!
Thank you is not enough. With your deliverance sessions, my depression I have had since I was in my early 20s (I am now 49) has been more manageable since I have been joining your sessions. However, I had an incredible experience last week I must share. My husband, 10 year old daughter (whom I ALWAYS PRAY FOR and include during the deliverance sessions) and myself went to our town’s craft fair. My daughter had been asking and asking for a week straight that she wanted to get her face painted at the fair. My husband & I were on a mission to find a face painting station! Voila! My husband came right up to a “business” with its doors wide open and a sign that said: “FACE PAINTING”! He was thrilled-then he looked at my daughter and she had this strange worried look on her face. She was held back by something. I thought it was because the place was very dark inside and looked spooky. My husband kept saying, “Here it is!! Go in!!” She said no and started to walk away. I looked up and noticed carved in old stone above entrance it said: “MASONIC TEMPLE.” Our daughter was NOT going in and my husband was completely dumbfounded. As we walked away together, I told him it was freemasonry. My grandfather was a Freemason. I became a Roman Catholic by the grace of God at age 32 and my life changed. I have had so many beautiful signs from the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, MARY and other divine encounters. I know my daughter was guided by the Holy Spirit…I am forever grateful for your monthly deliverance sessions and I look forward to them! God bless you now and forever …
I felt a sense of calm and peace after the session and was emotional when saying to Jesus: “I love you Jesus” and “I trust in You Jesus.”
It seemed to help my anxiety a great bit.
It always feels like a weight is lifted during and after each session.
I've had depression and anxiety for many years and have been seeing a Catholic therapist since it started. I have been feeling particularly depressed and anxious the last couple of weeks. To the point that I was praying that if God wanted to take me, He could. I feel like I have no purpose….I attended last night's prayer session and I felt the anxiety and depression feelings leave me! I feel a lightness and joy in my heart since the session. It tells me that I was under some kind of attack and needed those prayers. Thank you Jesus and Our Heavenly Mother!! I will continue to attend your prayer sessions and cannot thank you enough for having them! May God Bless You!
I have had severe self-hate and inferiority problems. After three times of your online exorcisms I no longer suffer. I even did a speech at my friend’s funeral without getting nervous. I know I am loved. Hallelujah
Thank you for a wonderful prayer session. Little by little I am getting better. Thank you Jesus!
After being sick and feeling like I was being "spiritually attacked" I woke up feeling alot better and "on the mend." Thank you for this ministry. It really is healing. God bless.
I have suffered from a sleep disorder known as restless leg syndrome (RLS) for years. For over a year it has been serious enough to often interfere with my falling asleep at night. Last night, after the prayer session, I fell asleep normally for the first time in many weeks. Thanks be to God.
Praise God y'all are back! It was a long 2 months & I really missed our monthly online Prayer - Deliverance sessions! I had a heavy spirit of anger over [a previous] injustice…Last night lifted all the anger, grief, pain & sorrow; granting me the acceptance & peace to let it go, I had been seeking all summer long- Thanks & God bless y'all amen!
We have been going through a terrible crisis over the past few months. The act of love and expiation really lightened our hearts, minds, and souls. Thank you everyone at the St. Michael Center!
I felt pure consolation at the end when Fr. had us praying an act of trust and telling Jesus we love him at the end of the session. I’ve been listening for several sessions and my depression that I’ve had for about a year doesn’t usually budge, though I’m usually happy I participated. But yesterday I felt so consoled and cried during the act of trust, which felt huge for me and it does feel like my depression is finally lifting.
I was very distressed and feeling hopeless.. But the session strengthened me massively.
This was my first time and I prayed to St Michael to help and guide me. I felt surrounded by his assuring presence and love, especially after the session ended and went to sleep. I felt the anger that I had held onto for so long ebb away when we prayed for forgiveness for self and others. Thank you so much and I look forward for the next one. God bless you all.
A rather strange phenomenon : found myself overcome with burping after Msgr prayed to free us from curses. Also I awoke this morning feeling very light .. and recommitted to praying to God for the grace of forgiveness and to forgive every single day.
Hi Msgr and All! THANK YOU! My daughter & I have been at odds for 25 yrs…she’s been saying these prayers with you for a couple of months, …and we’re now talking more without her hostilities, criticisms, holding grudges, & blowing up…! I SEE the growth in GRACES!
Myself, my husband and my brother have all expressed how these sessions have deepened our love for Christ, His Mother, our desire to trust God, our commitment to a deeper prayer life. We find ourselves committed to these monthly sessions though what seemed to harass us at one time is not harassing us. Thank you so very very much.
A renewed sense of peace and joy..a weight of worry and sadness that was hovering over me has left.
I felt the Presence of God very strongly...knew this was the real deal. Thank you so much.
Thank you for the prayers for forgiveness and self-loathing. I have been struggling with not always living or believing in my identity as a beloved child of God--even though I know it in my head, I don't always "know" it in my heart. I have cried during these sessions at different points. Once during the litany of saints, really feeling them praying for me; other times at various prayers where I still need healing.
I feel consoled and lighter after these sessions. These sessions truly do make a difference.
I was sleepy cause I’m in Ireland and it’s a different time zone the session comes on at midnight. But I don’t mind staying up I always receive blessings from these sessions. When you pray away the lethargy I get full of energy and my tiredness goes away. I’m so appreciative of these monthly sessions and keep you and your team in my prayers every day. Thank you.
There is always such a deep healing, peace and freedom that takes place for us, during and after these powerful sessions. Last night, I was particularly praying for healing and deliverance for my son and his wife. I was asking our Lord to break down whatever walls prevented them from responding to my calls and text messages over the past couple of months and for them to return to the sacraments especially now they are expecting a baby. Through the deliverance prayers I spoke to my daughter-in-law last night, right after the session. This morning, my son reached out to me and we had a wonderful conversation. My husband and I are so grateful to everyone at The St. Michael Center for giving us all this great gift, each month. We missed you all so much last month. Thanks be to Our Lord, May He continue to bless you and the ministry.
I have cancer and when I do the prayers with all of you I feel the uplifting and I feel at peace so I’m happy to hear and see you in prayer.
I felt great grace and peace. I also had tears of healing.
I always feel closer to God when I attend your session.
I loved this last Deliverance Session. It had a profound effect on me. I was troubled by my past. I WAS in spiritual agony. When the deliverance session was over with, peace and tranquility filled my soul. It was a soothing feeling. I don’t remember ever having such a wonderful peaceful moment in my life. Thank you.
Due to time difference (I live in Malta) I could not join live, but I watched the recording on youtube several hours later and it was very moving. I am grateful for St Michael's Centre for giving us this opportunity to join and watch these priceless seminars. I pray that they keep coming.
Yes, I did for the first time. I was struggling with anger for most of my life. Yesterday during the deliverance session, after reciting the unholy ties, breaking seals and consecrations, as well as generational sins, I suddenly had a headache and felt nauseated. I felt so light after that. So whatever I prayed for yesterday was the problem I needed to tackle. Thank you so much for these sessions.
I’ve had an unhealthy attachment to a relationship, where I’ve been nervous for 2 years. It lifted off of me during the session. I went to 2 Catholic therapists, attended 12 steps for the past 2 years, attending daily mass with rosary and divine chaplet after…This was my 4th session with deliverance session. Ahh peace!
At some points, I just started to cry. And it actually felt like a weight was being taken off of me when Monsignor was saying the prayers. It was very comforting, and I could feel very confident like the love of God with me.
Very powerful. I was left feeling peace and most importantly of all closer to Jesus Christ! Thank you very much!
At the final prayer, my body felt so light and rested. I closed my eyes & prayed, still able to hear the prayer. Yet I was so relaxed ... Afterward, the feeling continued thru the evening. It was a lightness & calm I can’t otherwise explain.
Whenever I participate in the monthly deliverance prayer session that you offer, I receive internal confidence and joy. The sessions reassure me of God's great love, peace, mercy and forgiveness. It also tells me of the weakness demons have compared to the might of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit & also the great support we have from the saints, especially Our Dear Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. I am also reminded of out Guardian Angels who are there for us if we realize their love and goodness. Praise Jesus Christ! Come Holy Spirit!
I noticed that my family didn’t feel rushed the rest of the evening (we usually do). It’s like God slowed down time so we could enjoy life more. It was nice. Also, I’ve been telling people about these sessions and a few have been receptive. That’s nice, too. These sessions are really an answer to a prayer. It’s like therapy….but much more effective and free. ;) God bless and thank you.
I went through almost 2 years of prayer sessions with an exorcist. About a month after the sessions ended, I suddenly experienced extreme pain in both knees, hips and feet (beginning one morning on the way out the door to Mass--a week before you had a blog entry on the topic of demons preventing Mass attendance) The pain persisted for 3 months, but 90% disappeared during the online prayers yesterday. This morning is the first time I've been able to walk freely again with minimal discomfort. I think the pain was retaliation for the victories and healing gained over the last 2 years. Thank you for being such an important part of "aftercare". I am so grateful for you and the mercy of God.
These sessions have been powerful. I can see the changes in my life and in some of my family members. Some areas need more prayers. I will continue these sessions.
I cannot emphasize enough how amazing and wonderful these sessions are! It leaves me walking on air and so happy! Please, please, keep them coming!!
During the prayer to “give back what I gave and give back what I took” with an unholy sexual partner I felt some sort of nudge or nod regarding a lover that I at least feel free from my "addiction" to him and feel no need or desire to reach out to him. I'm over 50 and have known him since I was 18. I am freed of this attachment; I am freed and feel it in my heart; I'm freed! Praise Jesus Christ!
I had many tears off and on throughout the session.
After last evenings deliverance prayer session, a particular person I’ve been having a hard time working with became docile & kind. Previously, this person was filled with immense anger when speaking with me. I knew it was the work of Satan due to the threatening remarks towards me. I cannot thank you enough for your ministry! May God continue these graces for all of you the St Michael Center & all you’ve assisted through God our Father.
Msgr. prayed that abuse would stop coming against us. Since that time my friend who can become easily enraged and abusive has stopped. I'll update later if it remains that way.
Each time these sessions are conducted my whole being feels an enormous weight lifted. When a month is skipped, the pressure, temptations, despair, and depression all take a toll. I so wish that you could conduct these every month. If you only knew how helpful these are. I thank God for you and your ministry and the time and dedication you take in order to fill this need. A friend from Belgium was the one who directed me to your prayer sessions. Go figure! Praise God and thanksgiving.
I am short at words to express my gratitude for this ministry. On Sep 18th I experienced healing from an extremely deadly spiritual and emotional situation I was going through which was consuming me for months. And the nightmares that used to wake me up at night screaming have stopped and finally PEACE has returned to my soul, mind and spirit. These simple words do not describe the extent of the terrible situation I was going through for months. During the day I was constantly dissociating to avoid the excruciating emotional pain and suicidal thoughts. I was at the verge of killing myself for the harm inflicted to me and it was unbearable. Now the pain has ended. I am forever grateful for the powerful prayers and Jesus’ Mercy and healing.
I just want to share that my husband and I are typically enveloped by a sense of peace after every deliverance prayer session. Also, my fingers/hands have been swollen and painful since June. I have tried almost everything - radically changing my diet, taking NSAIDs, going on a juice-only-cleansing diet, etc., but nothing worked. Until now. Less than 48 hours have elapsed since the deliverance and healing session, and one can barely see any swelling. Pain level is down, as well. Thank You, Jesus. I praise and thank You, dear Lord. And I give all my heart to You. I love You, dear God!!