("Christ Triumphant over Sin and Death," Peter Paul Rubens, c. 1618)
Discernment in the case before us was a bit complicated. We weren't sure if the manifestations were the result of a demonic presence or of a psychological origin. The team sat down to pray and to discern together.
Fortunately, there was a "burden bearer" on the team. She said, "I experienced a spirit of terror, and demonic mental attacks. It was very strong." Her intervention was an important part of our discernment. We decided to continue the deliverance sessions. Later sessions confirmed her experience.
Jesus is THE burden bearer. In his death and resurrection, he took upon himself all of our sins and became the source of our salvation. But there are some folks, chosen by him and not by us, who participate in Christ's bearing of people's burdens. More than a spiritual sensitivity, burden bearers actually feel and experience, to some degree, the sufferings of the other. Galatians 6:2 might be applied: "Bear one another's burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ."
When the Spirit has burden bearers take on the sufferings of others, it typically helps afflicted individuals with their sufferings. It may give them a slight respite which can be critical in a time of crisis. It also helps to discern what the underlying wounds are and may be an occasion of a unique healing grace.
In our exorcism ministry, we have such generous people and we are VERY grateful for them. Their ministry is largely hidden and should remain so. They participate in the cross of Jesus for others. It is not an easy calling.