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Exorcist Diary #285: How did Judas get Possessed?

Updated: Apr 2

[Judas Iscariot Retiring from the Last Supper," Carl Bloch, Late 19th Century]

The Scriptures strongly suggest that Judas was possessed by Satan. The Gospels of Luke and John both say: "Then Satan entered into Judas" (Lk 22:3) and "Satan entered him" (Jn 13:27). To make matters even clearer, Luke's Gospel uses the same description of demonic possession in the man with the Legion of demons: "Many demons had entered him." Thus, a possessed person is someone whom demons "enter into" and Judas was such a person.

Judas was apparently not fully possessed until his final act of betrayal of Jesus, although he was previously under Satan's sway. John's Gospel says: "The devil had already induced hand him over" (Jn 13:2). But it was only at the very end, when he formally betrayed Jesus, that "Satan entered him." While we are all tempted by the Evil One to betray Jesus in our own way, Judas appears to have been particularly susceptible to Satan's temptations....

We see in Judas' life some dynamics which make someone more vulnerable to temptation and can eventually lead to possession: (1) Judas was apparently living in perpetual serious sin. The Gospel of John describes him as "a thief ...and used to steal the contributions" which were meant for the poor (Jn 12:6). (2) One can presume from his act of betraying Jesus that he did not have faith in the Son of God. (3) Finally, he committed the egregious act of formally and deliberately betraying Jesus. These three steps are certainly one way of becoming possessed: no faith, perpetual serious sin, plus giving into Satanic temptations and betraying Jesus in one's own life.

Demonic possession does not take away one's free will and Judas remained culpable for his sins. In fact, some of those who are possessed have turned their lives around and begun to live exemplary lives: daily Mass, frequent confession, assiduous daily prayer, and living a virtuous life. The trial of being possessed and eventually coming to liberation in Christ can be a great source of sanctification, when abandoning one's self to Jesus and trusting in Him. Some canonized saints are said to have experienced demonic possession as part of the cross given to them by the Lord.

What is most sorrowful about the story of Judas Iscariot is his final act of despair. Instead of turning back to Jesus, as Peter did after his triple denial, it seems that Judas turned away from God's mercy and took his own life. It is possible that Judas repented in his final moments, something we will never know, however the declaration of Jesus is ominous: "It would be better for that man if he had never been born" (Mk 14:21).

At some point, we are all faced with the truth that we are sinners and have crucified Jesus. This week we are presented once again with the fundamental option of human life: choose the hope of St. Peter or the despair of Judas.

As we look upon the crucified Christ this Holy Week, pray with me the ancient Jesus prayer of the monks of the 3rd and 4th century: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."


*See Exorcist Diary 234: Was Judas Possessed?

**Don't miss our next free monthly deliverance session Monday April 15th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or at:

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