[“The Last Judgment,” 1536-1541 Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel]
Stepping into an exorcism, the Team and the possessed enter the world of the demonic. We taste a bit of what hell is like. And it is incredibly nasty...
When demons speak, they criticize and taunt; they spew hatred and violence. The rage in their eyes and the feeling of evil in the room is a taste of hell. When an exorcism session is finished, it is not uncommon to walk out feeling "slimed," with the demonic ugliness and filth still clinging to us. A second round of cleansing prayers is often needed.
In St. Faustina's vision, the seventh suffering of hell is the despair, hatred of God, vile words, curses and blasphemies. In this life, we are fortunate that the demons are chained. In hell, where the chains are off, it must be infinitely worse.
But there is also, in an exorcism, a taste of heaven. We invoke the saints in heaven and the demons howl. The name of Jesus and His crucifix are a powerful grace that cowers the demons. I recently asked the Virgin Mary to come and a wide-eyed look of terror came over the demons. In every session there are great moments of grace and a taste of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Perhaps one of the most satisfying graces is when the session is over. The afflicted person, who walked into the center feeling tormented and hopeless, often leaves with a smile, an expression of gratitude, and a feeling of hope, sometimes even joy.
Compacted into an exorcism is the full mystery of redemption: from sin and hell to grace and the heavenly life. I am blessed to experience the mystery of salvation and our team members have often told me the same. For this grace and for all of our blessings, we give thanks to God!
*Our next free monthly deliverance session this Monday September 16th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.)
**Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter.
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