Immaculate Conception by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, 1767–1769, in the Museo del Prado, Spain
A strong taste of hell this week. Many of our afflicted were oppressed with hopelessness and despair. It was palpable. Underneath was a current of anger, occasionally manifesting in a look of violence. One of our sensitives confirmed that she, too, was aware of this despair afflicting her directees.
Something in the air. People are rightly concerned about the coronavirus. I am more concerned about the virus of despair and anger infecting our nation. It is fueled by Evil and afflicting many.
In one session, a man began to manifest and the entire eyeballs of his blue eyes turned completely black. In another session, the demons were dissing us, threatening us, spewing forth every sort of demonic taunt and disgusting mockery.
All this is hell-- anger, despair, violence. The eyes of the soul turning black. Filth. Attacking any semblance of good.
Sometime back, I was teaching a graduate theology class of 33 good Catholics. I gave them Sr. Faustina's vision of hell and asked them if they believed it. Only one did.
Her vision was a private revelation and thus one is not obliged to accept it. I can understand why they did not; it seems too horrible. But I believe St. Faustina had a true vision. Actually, her words could not fully capture this terrible reality.
This week we entered, once again, the presence of hell. We were surrounded by evil, weighing down the air around us, and oppressing our spirits. In a text from the demons, they said I was a "weak priest" and threatened to up the attack against us.
Finally, the week ended. I went into my regular, monthly retreat day. There I found the loving arms of the Mother awaiting me. She was fully aware of it all. She lifted the oppression of hell and there was peace. I am indeed a "weak priest." But I have a beautiful and powerful Mother.
2 Cor 12:9-10: I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me....for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong.