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Exorcist Diary #211: Demons Cling to Unforgiveness

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti

[The Stoning of St. Stephen, Charles Thevenin, 1829]

I recently received this note from a man who attended one of our group deliverance sessions. He wrote:

Over the past year, I had been suffering from feelings of oppression,

frequent suicidal thoughts, negative thoughts, despite everything going

well in my life. Once you began praying the forgiveness formula, I realized

I was harboring much hatred and disdain for people who unjustly wronged

me in the past. As I named these people, prayed for them and forgave

them, I felt a HUGE weight lift from my heart. The suicidal thoughts have

gone, I feel at much greater peace, more attuned to the Lord. God bless you

and your ministry.

Demons cling to unforgiveness. It gives them a foothold in our lives. When this man gave up his hatred and forgave those who wronged him, he himself was freed. Whether the wrong suffered is real or imagined makes little difference. Until we let go of the hatred and desire for revenge, we are enslaved to those who harmed us and the harm we suffered.

Hell is a place of accusation and rage. At the head is Satan who eternally blames God for all the evil that has befallen him. St. Faustina said that one of the seven sufferings of hell is a hatred of God with its incessant curses and blasphemies. When we are stuck in hatred and revenge, we are stuck in hell and living with the demons.

"Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give and gifts will be given to you; a good

measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing will be poured into

your lap." (Lk 6:37-38)

Here is the Forgiveness Ritual that we use:

People: In the name of Jesus Christ, I willingly forgive anyone who has hurt or harmed me (including N., N., N., etc...). I forgive them from the bottom of my heart and I ask God to bless them. (3 times)

Priest: I witness your forgiveness. I ask God to heal any unforgiveness and inner wounds and trauma. May God heal you and all those who have hurt you. May you be released from any dysfunctional attachments, be healed in your heart, and set free in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus may you be healed. In the name of Jesus, be at peace. [Of course, in the absence of a priest, one can still make an act of forgiveness.]

*We are now on social media! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok for daily content that will hopefully help you in your spiritual journey. I will be posting many of my stories, experiences, and prayers that I hope you use to grow in faith. May our Blessed Mother and St. Michael watch over our content and bring it to those who need it the most.

**Our next online deliverance session is Monday, October 24th at 7-8pm Eastern USA time. Register at or go to this link.


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