["The Father's Curse," Jean-Baptiste Greuze, 1777; "The work depicts the dramatic scene of a son who is announcing to his family that he is leaving to join the army. His father is forbidding it and curses him as he leaves."]
I recently received the following email*:
I wanted to thank you for your online deliverance sessions. I am a mother to two children. I am a baptized and confirmed Catholic, but fell away during my twenties while in school. I actually stopped believing in God during that time, and began to suffer from rather severe depression and demonic attacks (which I learned about after speaking to a priest). With God's grace, I found my way back to the church during Lent last year. However, since January of this year, my health has deteriorated quite rapidly. My declining heath (which doctors attributed to an autoimmune disease), made it very difficult to do anything. Getting out of bed hurt...doing simple tasks like making phone calls or doing the dishes took so much energy that I would have to nap afterwards. I had migraines every day. My relationship with my husband and children was not doing well. I was struggling, and started to think that I would rather be dead than live like this. But that all changed last week after I happened to watch one of your deliverance prayer videos: it was one for breaking curses/spells/hexes/etc.** I am honestly shocked by the change in my health. I woke up that morning feeling horrible as usual (a migraine upon waking and feeling like I had been running a marathon all night). I happened to watch your video, and not even an hour later, I started feeling better. Since then I have only been getting healthier. I have my energy back, I don't have migraines anymore. Most importantly, I am able to be the mother that I want to be for my kids. I have no doubt in my mind that this was all because I participated in your deliverance prayers. Not a single doubt. So I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
First of all, we thank God for healing this person; it is God who does the healing. Second, one would naturally wonder: "Did the healing last?" Some days later, I emailed her and asked that question. I also asked what she thought was the open door to the demonic affliction. She answered:
Yep, I am still doing well--and still in shock over the fact that I was healed after participating in your prayers. I am a scientist and I still have a difficult time wrapping my brain around all of the supernatural phenomena, especially regarding the power of prayer.... [My pastor] suspected a generational curse, most likely through my Mom's side of the family. Depression and autoimmune diseases run on that side of the family...
The existence of generational curses is a debated subject. It is striking cases like this one that suggests they are very real. Her experience also reminds us of the power of prayer. God hears our prayers. While most of us will not receive such a miraculous healing, the most important graces of faith, hope and charity, plus the gift of everlasting life, are given by God to us all.
On a personal note, I and all the staff at St Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal appreciate her and everyone's feedback and support. It encourages us to continue in this healing ministry. We raise our hearts with her, and you all, in gratitude to God.
*Used with permission.
**She prayed with the "Pray With Me" video: "Lifting All Curses"-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbsClF1dink. One might also pray with our "Pray With Me" video: "Lifting Generational Curses" : https://youtu.be/CE3qeshUZD8
***Don't miss our next free monthly deliverance session Monday May 20th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.)
****Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter
*****Beware of scammers!  There is someone posing as Msgr. Rossetti on social media and pirating our posts. They are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa. This is a scam. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.