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Humanum Genus - April 20, 1884

Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII on Freemasonry

CDF, "Christian Faith and Demonology" July 4th, 1975

The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has commissioned an expert to prepare the following study, which the Congregation strongly recommends as a sure foundation for the reaffirmation of the teaching of the Magisterium on the theme: Christian Faith and Demonology.

CDF, “Declaration on Masonic Associations,” 26 November 1983. 

Declaration on Masonic Associations

CDF, “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of Christian Meditation,” October 15, 1989. 

Document on Christian Meditation and Eastern spiritualities.

CDF, “Instruction on Prayers for Healing,” September 14, 2000

The longing for happiness, deeply rooted in the human heart, has always been accompanied by a desire to be freed from illness and to be able to understand the meaning of sickness when it is experienced.

USCCB, Committee on Doctrine, 25 March 2009, “Evaluating Reiki as an Alternative Therapy,” 

From time to time questions have been raised about various alternative therapies that are often available in the United States. Bishops are sometimes asked, "What is the Church's position on such therapies?" The USCCB Committee on Doctrine has prepared this resource in order to assist bishops in their responses.

Custodi Di Quella Fede

Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII on Freemasonry.

Spiritual Warfare: The Occult Has Demonic Influence - Bishop Donald W. Montrose

I do believe that demonic influence is very real and that it constitutes a dangerous threat to our spiritual well-being. What is written here is, at best, a brief summary of a reality that I have no desire to spend much time exploring. 

Does “Traditionis Custodes” Apply to the Rite of Exorcism?

The question raised is: does the Pope’s Motu Proprio “Traditionis Custodes” apply to the other sacraments and rites besides the Eucharist including the Rite of Exorcism and the Book of Blessings?  The answer, based upon this letter from the Sacred Congregation, is no.

L’Osservatore Romano, English Edition, July 10,  1975: Christian Faith and Demonology. 

A sure foundation for the reaffirmation of the teaching of the Magisterium on the theme: Christian Faith and Demonology.

CDF, “Letter to Ordinaries Regarding Norms on Exorcism,” September 29, 1985.

Recent years have seen an increase in the number of prayer groups in the Church aimed at seeking deliverance from the influence of demons

Pope John Paul II, General Audience, 18 August 1999    

Among the themes especially suggested to the People of God for their reflection in this third year of preparation for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, we find conversion, which includes deliverance from evil.

“Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life: A Christian Reflection on the ‘New Age,’” Pontifical Council for Culture & Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue,  2003

The present study is concerned with the complex phenomenon of “New Age” which is influencing many aspects of contemporary culture.

USCCB Exorcism Q’s and A’s

Since so much of the common perception of the nature and application of exorcism is shaped by the exaggerations of movie scripts and television programs, the Committee on Divine Worship has approved dissemination of these basic questions and answers, in hopes that clear information is brought to bear on a topic that is often shrouded in mystery or misinformation.

“Mediums” and the Catholic Faith A Letter from Bishop John O. Barres

Bishop Barres addresses the use of mediums. 

"Guidelines for the Ministry of Exorcism" by International Association of Exorcists

The text, a vademecum (Handbook) of exorcistic doctrine and practice of the new Ritual of Exorcisms, is intended for those who exercise the Ministry of Exorcism and for those who are preparing to live it.

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