The Crab and the Cross
In the episode titled, "Demons, Deliverance, & The Psychology of Evil," the Crab and the Cross interviewed Msgr. Stephen Rossetti about the psychology of evil, his role as an exorcist, and the need for deliverance ministry in the Church today. Monsignor offers listeners a special blessing at the end.

What is a Ghost?
SpiritualDirection.com's Jordan Burke interviews Fr. Dennis McManus on some of the most frequently asked questions regarding ghosts. Questions covered in this session include: 1) What are ‘ghosts’? Are the ghosts we perceive demons or are they souls stuck in purgatory? 2) Can demons pretend to be a ghost? 3) How do you discern a ghost versus a demon? 4) Are they attached to places? 5) Can one develop an unhealthy fascination with such things?

It's Always Demons? (Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World) January 7th, 2022
"When unexplained phenomena arise, many Christians often leap to the explanation of demons being responsible or they warn that certain activities can open you up to demons. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the accuracy of these claims, how we can really find out when demons are involved, and what can go wrong when we incorrectly think it’s demons." - Apple Podcasts

Inside Exorcisms / Investigating Mothman & UFOs, October 28, 2021
While in his early years as a seminarian, he was lying in bed when he felt "an incredibly powerful spiritual force attacking me" that was lightning fast. He immediately reached over and grabbed his rosary beads, and the attack stopped. He noted that demons can move at the speed of thought, but they are often vanquished or repulsed by holy objects such as the Eucharist. - Coast to Coast

Inside Exorcisms / Exploring Time Travel, July 14, 2021
With his background as a psychologist, he was initially called in to evaluate cases to determine whether strange behaviors were due to mental illness rather than demonic possession. Genuine occurrences of possession, he explained, are marked by signs of preternatural abilities, like when the afflicted person has knowledge they couldn't possibly know, or exhibits superhuman strength. - Coast to Coast

Causes or Cures: A Conversation with an American Exorcist, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti
In this podcast, he will describe what it means to be possessed and how possessions manifest, how one discerns possession from an underlying mental or physiological issue, who Spiritual Sensitives are and why they are important, what happens during an exorcism and some of his scarier moments, how long exorcisms take and what he says to the doubters. - Causes or Cures

"Dad's Doomsday Guide" podcast with Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti
Today, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti joins the podcast to discuss whether human beings can see angels and demons, what this gift looks like, and what he has experienced over the years as a Catholic Exorcist. Msgr. Rossetti is the author of the book, Diary of an American Exorcist, which you can find below: ► https://www.amazon.com/Diary-American...

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti Interview on "Almost Good Catholics" Podcast - Angels, Demons, and the Cosmic Battle
"I asked an exorcist, Monsignor Rossetti, about the spiritual world around us, the demons he fights, and the mischief they cause. He talks about his life and work as an exorcist, how people stumble into demonic ensnarement, and how we, in our daily practice and through the Sacraments and sacramentals, can steer clear of it."

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti Interview on Fox News Podcast: From the Kitchen Table
Sean and Rachel sit down with author of the book Diary of an American Exorcist: Demons, Possession, and the Modern-Day Battle Against Ancient Evil, Msgr. Rossetti, discussing his experience as an exorcist and psychologist and the best practices to ward off demons and evil spirits... and walks through the ins and outs of performing an exorcism.

The Exorcist Files by Fr. Carlos Martins
In the last several years, there has been an alarming increase in the number of reported demonic possessions And for some of the most disturbing and vicious cases of possession, one priest was often summoned. With almost two decades in ministry, renowned exorcist Father Carlos Martins has encountered evil in nearly every way imaginable. From Ouija boards and curses to witches and demonic pacts, Father Martins has battled the ancient serpent in many forms. The Exorcist Files are his stories.

"Rare Interview with an Exorcist" podcast with Fr. John OFM Conv
"In this fascinating and rare interview, Tim and Scott sit down with Catholic Exorcist Father John to discuss his personal experiences with demonic possession, the rite of exorcism, the occult, the paranormal, and much more. Father John provides incredible insights into his work as an exorcist, sharing stories that are both shocking and enlightening."

The Gracious Guest: Interview with an Exorcist
Monsignor Rossetti is a Catholic priest, Air Force veteran, psychologist, university professor, and an EXORCIST who has decades of experience confronting demons on behalf of the Church (he’s also the chaplain for the Washington Nationals major league baseball team!) Join host Mike Creavey for another great episode of “The Gracious Guest Show.”